
An Energy Sustainable CPS/IoT Ecosystem

An Energy Sustainable CPS/IoT Ecosystem

News, Publications
Haris Isakovic, Edgar Azpiazu Crespo, and Radu Grosu EAI Edge-IoT 2020 - EAI International Conference on Intelligent Edge Processing in the IoT Era A short overview on methods and technologies necessary to build smart and sustainable Internet-of-Things (IoT). It observes IoT systems in a close relation with data centered intelligence and its application in cyber-physical systems. With the current rate of growth IoT devices and supporting CPS infrastructure will reach extremely high numbers in less than a decade. This will create an enormous overhead on world's supply of electrical energy. In this paper, we propose a model extension for estimation of energy consumption by IoT devices in the next decade. The paper gives a definition of CPS/IoT Ecosystem as a mutually codependent heterogeneous multidisciplinary structure. Further we explore a set…
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Towards a Platform for Smart City-Scale Cognitive Assistance Applications.

Towards a Platform for Smart City-Scale Cognitive Assistance Applications.

News, Publications
Rausch, T., Hummer, W., Stippel, C., Vasiljevic, S., Elvezio, C., Dustdar, S., & Krösl, K. 2021 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops In this paper, we present CognitiveAR: a platform that makes it easier for AR engineers to develop scalable cognitive assistance applications. Figure 1 shows the overall architecture. The platform federates distributed edge resources to run our platform services,and autonomously manages application-specific services for, e.g.,offloading AI-based video processing. Moreover, the platform provides transparent access to sensor data published by edge nodes, via a scalable messaging system. We introduce a global object and user tracking system which we call cyber-physical object positioning(CPOP). CPOP enables the system to accurately display the position of physical objects on the user’s device, that are not in their physical field…
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TUfast TUfurious won its first international F1tenth competition!

TUfast TUfurious won its first international F1tenth competition!

As we reported earlier in the scope of CPS/IoT Ecosystem project we started a lecture on Autonomous Racing Cars within F1tenth international program. The lecture was organized in cooperation with University of Pennsylvania (UPENN). We successfully assembled a fleet of racing cars and finalized a first inaugural lecture in summer semester of 2020. TUfast TUfurious is a team made from the selected subtends in the course. They were working hard to create a competition ready algorithm and participate in their first international race at IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany. We are proud to announce that our team won the first prize by successfully defeating all other teams in the had to head competition. Team members: Thomas Pintaric (Captain), Mathias Lechner (IST Austria), Bernhard Schlögl, Axel Brunnbauer, und Andreas Brandstätter.…
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Autonomous Racing Cars

Autonomous Racing Cars

We are proud to present a novel approach to lectures at TU Wien with the new lecture Autonomous Racing Cars. It is an exciting multi-discipline lecture with the aim to show full variation of computer engineering, with computer science, robotics and control theory. The lecture is supported by the CPS/IoT Ecosystem and will be part of smart mobility track of the infrastructure. These platforms are part of various other research initiatives and projects. Teams will build and program their cars from scratch and then compete each other. Most successful teams will be considered for participation at international http://f1tenth competitions. Official description of the course:
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CPS/IoT Ecosystem: Indoor Vertical Farming System

CPS/IoT Ecosystem: Indoor Vertical Farming System

News, Publications
Isakovic Haris , Alexander Fasching , Lukas Punzenberger, Radu Grosu Building large-scale IoT applications requires enormous infrastructural support. As infrastructure we understand hardware, software and communication channels necessary to ensure interconnection between various heterogeneous components. Project CPS/IoT Ecosystems explores infrastructural requirements for large-scale applications. The applications are realworld scenarios such as smart parking, smart agriculture or smart buildings. In this paper we explore infrastructural requirements necessary to build modular indoor vertical farming system. The proposed prototype is a service-oriented platform distributed over three scopes of operation: cloud, fog, sensor/actuator. Paper2019 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT)
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Sensyml: Simulation Environment for large-scale IoT Applications

Sensyml: Simulation Environment for large-scale IoT Applications

News, Publications
Isakovic Haris, Vanja Bisanovic, Bernhard Wally, Thomas Rausch, Denise Ratasich, Schahram Dustdar, Gerti Kappel, Radu Grosu IoT systems are more and more becoming part of civil and industrial infrastructure. With the growth of these IoT ecosystems, their complexity is increasing exponentially. This paper reflects on issues with respect to scalability in these systems. A simulation framework is proposed, that is capable of generating big data, to evaluate scalability of IoT infrastructures and correspondent applications. It is a cloud based Infrastructure as-a-Service (IaaS) system that enables users to test both functionality and scalability of their IoT applications. IEEE/IES IECON 2019, September 2019, Lisbon. PT
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Demo: A System for Operating Energy-Aware Cloudlets

Demo: A System for Operating Energy-Aware Cloudlets

News, Publications
Thomas Rausch, Philipp Raith, Padmanabhan Pillai, Scharam Dustar This work was presented at the 4th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing and was awarded with best demo award. Congrats to the team led by Thomas Rausch. We present an end-to-end system for operating energy-aware cloudlets with a low-footprint cluster manager and an adaptive client-side load balancing approach. Our system is designed for small-scale high-density compute clusters that host stateless services and have stringent energy resource constraints. It features cluster and service management, runtime monitoring, adaptive load balancing and cluster reconfiguration policies. Furthermore, we present an experimentation and analytics system that allows coordinated execution of complex workload experiments to evaluate different operational strategies. Paper Download , Poster Download
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CPS/IoT Ecosystem: Preparing Austria for the Next Digital Revolution

CPS/IoT Ecosystem: Preparing Austria for the Next Digital Revolution

Radu Grosu, Schahram Dusdtar, Gerti Kappel, Tom Henzinger, Manfred Gruber, Hermann Kopetz Looking back at the time Bill Gates was one of his brilliant students, Christos Papadimitriou a Harvard professor and world-renowned computer scientist, concluded that one of the greatest challenges of the academic community is to recognizing when an IT revolution is on its way. He did not see the PC revolution coming, but his student did.  Since then several others happened, such as the Internet and the Mobiles revolutions. Another imminent one is in the making: The CPS/IoT revolution. The worldwide academic institutions and especially the Austrian ones have a responsibility to ask the following important questions: Are we prepared for the CPS/IoT revolution? Do we have the proper infrastructure, software tools and courses? The answer is unfortunately…
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A Roadmap Towards Resilient Internet of Things for Cyber-Physical Systems

A Roadmap Towards Resilient Internet of Things for Cyber-Physical Systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an ubiquitous system connecting many different devices -- the things -- which can be accessed from the distance. With the possibility to monitor and control the physical environment from the distance, that is the IoT contains cyber-physical systems (CPS), the two concepts of dependability and security get deeply intertwined. The increasing level of dynamicity, heterogeneity, and complexity adds to the system's vulnerability, and challenges its ability to react to faults. This paper summarizes state-of-the-art of existing surveys on anomaly detection, fault-tolerance and self-healing and adds a number of other methods applicable to achieve resilience in an IoT. We particularly focus on non-intrusive methods ensuring data integrity in the network. Furthermore, this paper presents the main challenges to build a resilient IoT for CPS. It…
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High-School Student Laura Flandorfer talks about her Internship at TU Wien

High-School Student Laura Flandorfer talks about her Internship at TU Wien

Laura Flandorfer, a student at the computer engineering branch of the Hertha Firnberg Schools in Vienna, got to know research and science as part of her internship sponsored by the FFG. At the Cyber-Physical Systems Research Division she developed a pick & place machine to equip circuit boards with electronic components. For this she had to design 3D printed parts, assemble the electronics an program the machine. The interview is also featured on the faculty's website.
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