The CPS/IoT Ecosystem project is based on the HRSM Call 2016 released by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.
This website is operated by Technische Universität Wien, Instittute of Computer Engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems Group.
The offical contact information:
e-mail: info@cpsiot.at
Address: Treitlstrasse 1-3, 3. Floor , 1040, Wien
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This terms apply to the use of project website www.cpsiot.at. Please read the terms carefully before you use the website. By accessing and using the website you accept and agree with these terms. If you are not in agreement with these terms you are not entitled to use the website.
This is the official website for the CPS/IoT Ecosystem project.
The use and access to the website is granted to everyone, as lon as they are in agreement with these terms.
The website is maintained and supported by CPS/IoT Ecosystem partners and administered by Technische Universität Wien, Institute of Computer Engineering.
The CPS/IoT Ecosystem partners reserve the rights to adapt and change these terms as needed at any later time. -
Intellectual Property
All content published on the CPS/IoT Ecosystem website is owned or licensed by the members of the project consortium. All trademarks published on the website, including project name and logo, are owned by the project consortium. All rights are exclusively reserved to the CPS/IoT consortium.
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All users are responsible for the activities performed on the CPS/IoT Ecosystem website.
By accessing CPS/IoT Ecosystem website you agree to comply with the laws of Republic of Austria.
The use or reproduction of content on the website is prohibited unless expressly allowed by the project consortium in a written form. -
The content on the website is created and updated with utmost care and the consortium is investing the best effort to keep the information up to date.
The CPS/IoT Ecosystem consortium is not liable for actuality of the information presented on the website.
The CPS/IoT Ecosystem consortium is not liable for any content on the third party sites that are linked on this website.
The CPS/IoT Ecosystem consortium is not liable for any content on the third party sites tat linking this website. -
Data Privacy
The information on data protection and privacy can be found on the following link.